
Build community with refurbished technology

We have refurbished computers as well as accessories available for non-profit organizations and community groups in Athens, GA.

If you cannot afford our normal prices, please complete our grant application and deliver it to the workspace or mail it to our post office box or fill out the online version.  We do appreciate donations, which help us continue to serve the Athens area.

Nonprofits that don’t have proof of 501(c)(3) status will be rejected until proper documentation can be provided.  Community groups that do not currently have 501(c)(3) nonprofit status must write a compelling narrative on why Free I.T. Athens, Inc. should grant computer equipment to the respective organization.

Free I.T. Athens depends on computer donations to operate. This means we’re not always able to accommodate every request. Please don’t be offended if we suggest alternative solutions to your issues.

To better social distance, we now have an ONLINE grant request form

a network switch sitting on top of a desktop

Some of the organizations we’ve worked with