
Important Moving Update

As you might have noticed, Free I.T. is planning a move to Homewood Hills shopping center! Here’s everything you need to know: Hours will continue normally at the current location (160 Winston Dr.) through Friday, October 14th. That Friday will be that last day to donate, shop, or get tech support for two weeks, so […]

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Monitor Sale

MONITOR MADNESS! Free I.T. Athens still has A TON of monitors, so the monitor sale has been extended. Monitors 19″ and below are now $10 off! Get a monitor for as little as $10 bucks on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday until Monitor Madness ends. Come to Free I.T. Athens Wednesday between 6p and 8p, Friday between 3p and

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VirtualBox Tutorial

If you missed the FRITA Noob Hour on VirtualBox, no worries: it’s on YouTube! Don’t have time to watch the whole video? Check out the slides Lachele used for the presentation: VirtualBox Noob Hour Slides. Make sure you don’t miss the next Noob Hour by following Free I.T. Athens on Facebook and Twitter!

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VirtualBox Presentation

FRITA Noob*-Hour:  VirtualBox Wed., 3 Aug, 7-7:45 PM, Free IT Athens Ever wanted to …learn more about GNU/Linux without worrying about breaking your system?  …try out a new distro, but didn’t have a computer you could install it on?  …keep an old version of an OS (free only, of course!) around for an old, beloved

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